Monday, October 7, 2013

Like The Sword in the Stone!

Today's adventure in self-worth growth and discovery required no forethought.  It simply happened.  What a treat to have a "weight" placed in my hands so all I have to do is "lift"!

I was supposed to have the morning off from teaching.  (I swapped mornings with another instructor who needed Friday off.)  But then, I was asked for a favor by an instructor whom I deeply respect and admire.  Her father was in the hospital, having had a stroke.  She needed to be there to catch the doctors making their rounds so she could get some straight answers about what was going on with him.  My disappointment in losing a much-needed break was far outweighed by being happy to help her, AND by getting to teach a class full of my favorite morning students.  This class, much closer to home than where I normally work on a Monday, and much later in the morning, is far more polite to me and appreciative of my efforts than my normal Monday morning group.

(Maybe someday I'll be lifting a heavier worth-weight that gives me the strength to cut my Monday morning "regulars" loose.  But then, in spite of how cutting and cruel some of them can be, they're not all like that.  I have lots to think about before I make a move on that front, and I am just not ready yet.)

So, I was still covered in hives from my stress over the previous days.  But it still felt great to go teach that class.  It was HUGE!  Full of smiling faces, so many thank yous afterward.  Groups like this make my job a true joy.

Following the class, I was cleaning up and changing in the locker room.  I vaguely overheard a member frantically asking one person after the next to help her with her locker combination.  She was certain she knew the right code, and it just wasn't working.  Several people tried to help, but with no success.

Eventually she worked her way over to me and asked if I could try it.  I've wrangled with these sorts of combo locks before, and I know they can be total pains in the ass.  I let her assure me she knew the correct combination.  She said she was sure of it.

So I went over to her locker and tried the numbers she gave me.

Got it open on the first try.

Ladies all around us in the locker room cheered!  "Of COURSE she can do it, she can do ANYTHING!" said one of my students.  "We're so lucky you're here," said another.

Being valued and treated well within a community boosts my sense of worth.  So it was with the unlocking of an uncooperative lock that I lifted the 5 pound weight today.

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